It felt as though we had accidentally stepped inside the dress rehearsal of Phantom of the Opera or something, what with all the servers wearing black masks. Talk about intimidating! Little kids might start crying. But actualy, there was no reason to be alarmed because there was nothing hiding behind the masks other than very friendly waiters energetically bringing you great Italian food. Some waiters spoke so little Japanese (and English for that matter), we had a little difficulty understanding them while they explained the specials and seasonal entrees. But they meant it when they said, "itsa very very good," because we were not disappointed.
Ristorante e Pizzeria da IVO is all things Naples. Chef Ivo Virgilio's creations are Naples-themed Italian cuisine, including Naples' famous pizza and pasta, along with fish and meat. And to serve real Neapolitan style pizza, he brought one of the best craftsmen and materials to Tokyo to build an authentic oven. The tiles on the floor, the pictures on the walls, and even the door knobs were brought in from Naples.
IVO is a pretty highly rated Italian eatery within metropolian Tokyo. Located on Meiji Dori, it's a bit of a walk from both Hiroo and Ebisu stations, but that is probably the only drawback. The doors and windows are opened on warm days so as to create the feel of an open-terrace. We went for dinner the other night and enjoyed it immensely. We each paid around 7000 yen (including wine) so it was not terribly expensive. The appetizers, the pizzas, the desserts… are ALL very good. (photos here: http://r.tabelog.com/tokyo/rstdtlphoto/13005489/)
So what's with the black masks? Apparently they represent the Pulcinella which is the traditional clown costume of Naples. Despite the intimidating exterior, the characters are known for always having a positive approach to life. (Photo source: www.atelierdesarts.com)
Ristorante e Pizzeria da IVO
Shibuya-ku, Hiroo 1-6-10
Tel: 03.5793.3121
Open 11:30-14:00, 18:00-22:00 daily